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About Yokogawa

Yokogawa Corporation of America (YCA), a supplier of cutting-edge products & services based on measurement, control, & information technologies, has 18 facilities & 650 sales & engineering offices across 33 countries. As a fabricator of custom high-tech components, core to engineering projects, the critical role their designs have on the project, require they provide to their customers the controlled distribution of content across vendors, to ensure quality & standards.

Use Case

Commissioned to design & manage the delivery engineering specifications & requirements of an offshore drilling project for a major international oil producer, YCA needed a way to manage & distribute content from over 65 vendors across phases on a multi-year project.

Desired Solution

The desired outcome was to provide internal & external project team members with a centralized location to rapidly develop & assemble document control packages, automate the generation of cover sheets, standardized transmittal reporting & automate setting up security and governance throughout the project lifecycle. This would provide YCA with a standardized process to manage & provision workspaces & organize content & related correspondence in a controlled way. Additionally, to leverage the cloud & move away from their on-premise infrastructure.

The Challenges

Traditionally, YCA used Microsoft SharePoint On-Premise as a place to upload & share project content from. SharePoint worked well as a platform, but there were two core challenges that represented expense & risk.

Inefficient Administration

From start-up to ongoing administration, project owners had to request services from IT, creating help desk tickets to create sites, & add & maintain users & secure access every time members were added & removed from a project, across dozens of vendors. This routine was expensive, a poor use of IT professionals time & added delays & risk to secure collaboration.

Manual Document Control Process

The primary driver or business objective, document control, was a highly manual process requiring content to be downloaded, zipped, & re-uploaded. Transmittals would be created manually, transmittal logs created in Word, scheduled in Excel, & sent via email – creating significant risk & overhead.

Download the Full Case Study and learn how Yokogawa Achieved:


Reduction in time spent to create & secure collaborative spaces & manage document control